Reece ideal candidate for Sheriff


To the editor:

I would like to take a moment to express my thoughts on the upcoming election for the position of Sheriff of Miami County. While I cannot provide any insight on Sheriff Duchak, as I am unfamiliar with him, I am well-acquainted with Paul Reece. In fact, I have had the privilege of considering Paul and his son as close friends for the majority of my life.

Paul Reece is not only a dedicated family man, but also a true pillar of support for those around him, regardless of their political affiliation. He is the type of person who would willingly give the shirt off his back to assist a fellow individual in need. Moreover, Paul possesses an extensive breadth of experience that far exceeds the qualifications required for the role of sheriff in Miami County.

One of the qualities that truly sets Paul apart is his unwavering commitment to his principles. He stands firmly by his beliefs, demonstrating a steadfastness that is rare to find in today’s political landscape. Personally, I can confidently say that Paul is someone I would entrust my life with – a statement I do not make lightly.

I understand that politics can often become contentious and divisive. However, I would like to emphasize that my intention here is not to speak negatively about Mr. Duchak, as I have no personal knowledge of him. Instead, my purpose is to highlight the exceptional qualities and unwavering trust I have in Paul Reece.

I wholeheartedly endorse Paul Reece as the ideal candidate for the position of Sheriff. He possesses the integrity, experience, and dedication necessary to lead with distinction. Paul has my complete support and backing, and I encourage all voters to consider him as their choice for sheriff.

Adam C. Seas


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