Rep. Davidson hosts town hall


MIDDLETOWN — Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) hosted a Congressional Town Hall Wednesday night, Aug. 16, at Miami University’s Middletown campus to provide updates on the 118th Congress.

Over 150 constituents attended the TOWN HALL, asking questions about the crisis at the southern border, the upcoming Farm Bill, and the latest in Ukraine.

“Restoring a government small enough to fit within the constitution requires work and participation at every level,” said Davidson in a press release. “Last night’s town hall was an excellent example of active engagement in our government process. I’m honored and thankful to have so many constituents attend, ask questions, and engage in the work that we are doing in Congress.”

Davidson represents Ohio’s 8th Congressional District that includes Hamilton, Butler, Preble, Miami, and Darke counties. Davidson serves on the House Financial Services Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee

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