Troy Beautification Committee celebrates Arbor Day


TROY — On Friday, April 26, the Troy Beautification Committee celebrated Arbor Day by planting a tree at Menke Park in honor of Ann Baird.

Baird worked as a registered nurse, a director of nursing, and later, the director of community services for Stouder Memorial Hospital and Upper Valley Medical Center, according to a press release from the city of Troy. Following her retirement, she was elected the first female Miami County Commissioner. Baird has volunteered with her church, Altrusa International of Troy, the Order of the Eastern Star, 4-H, Miami Valley Health Improvement Council, Area Agency on Aging, Miami County Department of Health, Edison State Community College, and many non-profit organizations. She and her family shared she has held a lifelong appreciation for the preservation of farmland and green space.

At the Arbor Day celebration, City Council President William Rozell shared a proclamation recognizing the importance of trees in the city of Troy and its parks. Third-graders from Concord, Cookson, Hook, Overfield, and Miami Montessori Elementary schools shared research and original writing about trees.

Each participating school received a copy of The Gentle Genius of Trees by Philip Bunting, donated by the Troy Kiwanis Club.

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