UVCC names students of the fourth quarter


PIQUA — The Upper Valley Career Center has named Michael “Seth” Kiser, a junior in Automotive Technologies from Piqua High School and Aiden Shappie, senior in Electrical Trades from Russia High School as Students of the Quarter for the fourth and final nine-week grading period. They were selected from a group of 10 students nominated by faculty for the quarter honors.

Nominations for Student of the Quarter are made by career-technical program instructors with attendance, citizenship, leadership, and effort taken into account. In addition, the student’s academic instructors are asked to rate each nominee’s effort during the nine-week grading period.

Students earning an Award of Merit designation for Student of the Quarter honors are juniors Adriana McKinney in Teacher Academy from Piqua High School, Jared Line in Interactive Media from Anna High School, Desiree Higgenbotham in Early Childhood Education and Care from Troy High School, and Macie Brautigam in Cosmetology from Sidney High School. Seniors also earning this award include Joshua Stekli in Interactive Media from Fairlawn High School, Kyle Low in Ag and Power Technologies from Houston High School, Devin Brummitt in Pre-Engineering and Design Technologies from Covington High School, and Allison Sharp in Early Childhood Education and Care from Houston High School.

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