Vote for Mayor Oda on May 2


To the editor:

I am writing to express my strong support for Mayor Robin Oda in the upcoming May 2nd election in Troy, Ohio. Mayor Oda has been an outstanding leader for our community and has worked tirelessly to make Troy a better place for all of its residents.

Under Mayor Oda’s leadership, Troy has seen significant improvements in its infrastructure, public services, and economic development. She has been a strong advocate for small businesses and has worked to attract new businesses to the area.

Mayor Oda has also shown a deep commitment to improving the quality of life for all residents of Troy. She has worked to enhance and promote community events, festivals, and support local arts and cultural organizations.

In these challenging times, we need a leader like Mayor Oda who has the experience, knowledge, and dedication to help guide our city forward. I urge all residents to cast their vote for Mayor Oda on May 2nd and to join me in supporting her vision for a brighter future for Troy.


Anthony Smith II


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